Children's Naturopathic Centre | Dr. Sarah McAllister, ND


Supplements can be purchased during office hours(see hours here). If you are unable to make it to the office during those hours please call the office to arrange for us to leave it in our after-hours box.

Special orders (supplements not typically carried by the office) – we are happy to order products for you. These must be paid for in advance. Upon receipt of payment we will place the order and notify you as soon as your product arrives.

We are happy to mail supplements to patients living in Oregon. Due to tax laws, we are unable to mail supplements to patients living in Washington at this time.

Prescription Refills

If your child has a current prescription and no changes have been made to the medication dosage, please contact your regular pharmacy directly to place a refill request. They will notify us of your request.

Some conditions may require an office visit with Dr. McAllister before your child’s prescription refill can be approved. This is done for your child’s safety, to ensure effectiveness of the medication, and to provide optimum care and management of their condition.

Dr. McAllister must review and approve all refill requests. Requests must be made 48-72 hours in advance to allow this to happen. During holidays, over the weekend and after business hours, the request will not be handled until the next business day so please plan accordingly.

If you are using a new pharmacy they will be happy to transfer your prescription from your old pharmacy at no charge. Just let them know where your old prescription was filled.

If you have any changes to your prescription, or are taking a medication that requires a written prescription, please call the office (503-224-2590) or email ( Please allow 48-72 hours for this transaction to be completed.